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Award: February 2018: Ben O’Neil Named National Law Journal Rising Star for Washington, D.C.


The National Law Journal named Ben O’Neil one of D.C.’s Rising Stars for 2017. Ben was named a top 40 lawyer under 40, one of only two white collar lawyers to receive this recognition. Among other successes which led to this recognition, Ben represented a special committee of BTG Pactual Group, S.A., Brazil’s largest private investment bank, in an internal investigation arising out of the much publicized arrest of the bank’s CEO, restoring the Bank’s reputation and ensuring its survival. He also represented the Odebrecht Group in perhaps the most significant white collar matter
of past years, as well as led CONMEBOL’s representation related to the indictments and investigation into international soccer being pursued by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York.